'Is This Flattering?' with Matilda and Olivia Maree
Welcome to the 'Is This Flattering?' podcast with Matilda and Olivia Maree.Is This Flattering connects both the professional and personal perspectives of Matilda a Clinical Nutritionist and Olivia Maree, a Food Psychotherapist who are passionately working together to change the approaches used to treat all bodies in the Nutrition, Body image, and dieting industry.Find Us Online: @isthisflatteringpodcastFind Matilda:Instagram: @matildathenutritionist Website: www.matildathenutritionist.comFind Olivia: Instagram: @wildnwell.counsellingWebsite: www.wildnwell.co.uk
Podcasting since 2023 • 26 episodes
'Is This Flattering?' with Matilda and Olivia Maree
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