'Is This Flattering?' with Matilda and Olivia Maree
Welcome to the 'Is This Flattering?' podcast with Matilda and Olivia Maree.Is This Flattering connects both the professional and personal perspectives of Matilda a Clinical Nutritionist and Olivia Maree, a Food Psychotherapist who are passionately working together to change the approaches used to treat all bodies in the Nutrition, Body image, and dieting industry.Find Us Online: @isthisflatteringpodcastFind Matilda:Instagram: @matildathenutritionist Website: www.matildathenutritionist.comFind Olivia: Instagram: @wildnwell.counsellingWebsite: www.wildnwell.co.uk
'Is This Flattering?' with Matilda and Olivia Maree
Naturopathy and Non-Binary Care with Jade Flint Naturopath
Find Jade:
Instagram @naturopath___jadeflint / https://www.instagram.com/naturopath___jadeflint/?hl=en
Who Is Wellness for? Authored by Fariha Roisin.
Alok V Menon: https://www.instagram.com/alokvmenon/?hl=en
TransHub Link: https://www.transhub.org.au/
Language and Terminology PDF link. https://www.prideinhealth.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Language-and-terminology.pdf
Trans101 Link: https://trans101.org.au/
Heal All Consulting – Instagram for practitioner education.
Training Modules for practitioners: https://nwmphn.org.au/for-primary-care/clinical-support/lgbtiq-support/
Non-binary and inclusive practitioners
Sam Jeffrey - Naturopath.
George Hallifax - Naturopath.
Sage King - Naturopath.
Rhiannon Hardingham - Naturopath.
Lucy Rae - Nutritionist
Practitioners at Komyuniti Wellness – all inclusive
Nikolina - osteopathy https://www.instagram.com/niko.lina___/
Claire Heland - shiatsu and remedial massage https://www.instagram.com/eucalypt.wellness/
Lara Blumer - acupuncture https://www.instagram.com/larablumeracupuncture/
Body Work with Alice – Massage Therapist
Olivia Campbell - psychologist https://www.instagram.com/dr.olivia.psychologist/
Ala Purchla - psychotherapy https://melbourneintegratedtherapies.com.au/practitioners/ala-purchla
Ru Connolley - Psychotherapist
Northern Rivers
Maddy Lou - chinese medicine https://www.instagram.com/maddylou_acupuncture/
Edie Bartley (Available online) - art therapy and sexology https://www.instagram.com/with.edie/
Bronte Purcell (Available online) - therapy and womb hara https://www.instagram.com/bronte.purcell/
Ella Noah Bancroft - counsellor and educator https://www.instagram.com/ellanoahbancroft_
Annie Monks - therapy and social work https://www.instagram.com/sits_for_snacks
Jack Martin (online) - somatic therapy
Find Us Online:
Find Matilda:
Instagram : @matildathenutritionist
Website: www.matildathenutritionist.com
Find Olivia:
Instagram: @wildnwell.counselling
Website: wildnwell.co.uk